Colors Filter (see an example here)
Each color has its own radio button that you may click on to add it to the filter list. You may select one color at at a time. Click on the 'Apply Filter?' check box below this area to activate your choices. You may click the radio buttons on or off as you desire to include or exclude different colors. Apply Filter checkbox This little check box gives the user a fast way to include or exclude a filter area with a click. This needs be clicked on before the filtering will include the area. There are four separate areas where this box is used. Filter Sets (see an example here) This is a listing of every Set and expansion of Magic the Gathering. You may include multiple sets in the filter by Holding down and pressing Ctrl-Shift when you click on a set. Until you let go, each set you click on will be included in the filter. You may confirm the filtering with the Apply Filter? check box at the bottom of this area. Text/Type Filters (see an example here) The Text/type filter area has a number of sub sections.These sub sections let you control how the cards are filtered by name, card text, type & sub type, power and toughness. Since some magic cards have varying amounts of these attributes the filters let you narrow down a search by means of these different items. For example if you are looking only for elves typing elf into the subtype area will render a list of all cards with that subtype. If you wanted instants only typing that into the type section will render a list instants. Name filter If you need to find a particular card this is one way to do it. You may put part of a name in this field and get any card with the fragment in its name. For example: 'Fires' yeilds the following result: Fires of Yavimaya, Firescreamer, and Flashfires.Just remember to turn off any filters that might preclude the cards you want to see. In the above example having the Color filter set to on and lands will result in no cards found. Text filter Sometimes what you are looking for is a specific ability that the cards should share like 'flying' or 'counter' or 'damage.' This the area you can use to do that. It will list every instance of the words you type in. This can be a bit confusing so try to narrow your search. For example if the cards you want to see are all instants try using the type filter in addition to this one. Type filter (see an example here) Each magic card has a type. It is listed in the central left area just below the artwork and above the card text box.This filter allows you to sort the cards by that type. This can be useful if you only want enchantments or sorceries for example. Just use the pull down menu to sort to the type you want. Subtypes filter This is useful if you want to sort by a specific creature type say 'ape' for example. This will list you all creature- apes in the game. Pow/Tou filters (Pow) The creatures Type filter must be set for the user to access this pull down menu. This allows you to find creatures of a power less than, greater than, equal to, or any combination there of with the number you provide. The range of numbers is 0-12 and * which is a replacement symbol that means variable power. If you use the * symbol all creatures with that as their power will be listed (Tou) The creatures Type filter must be set for the user to access this pull down menu. This allows the user to find creatures of a toughness less than, greater than, equal to, or any combination there of with the number the user provides. The range of numbers is 1-12 and * which is a replacement symbol that means variable toughness. If the user uses the * symbol all creatures with that as their toughness will be listed. Filter Operation (see an example here) This is the nerve center of the filtering process. When all the filters the user wants are selected the user clicks on the Apply Filter Button to start the process. While the cards are being filtered a little splash screen may appear depending on how long it takes. When done the filtered results will appear in the Card area below and to the users left. If the user would rather let the filtering occuring as the user selects filters then the user may click on the auto radio button or select Autofilter on from the Preferences Menu. Mana Cost filter (see an example here) Allows the user to find cards by either their exact casting cost or converted casting cost. This can be extemely useful when the user is trying to fill or even out a mana curve. |
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