Table of Contents
What is DeckMentor?
What is OMD?
What is XML?
Why Java?
New!!!! Version 1.6 is out now... What is New?
The menubar
[New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Exit.]
[Confirmations, Deck Directory, Expansions Directory, Validate checkbox (on or off), Autofilter checkbox (on or off), Show Sideboard checkbox (on or off), Revert, Save.]
[Curve Analysis, Export As, Goldfish]
[Colors, Apply filter? check box,Set(s), Text/Type filters (Name,Text,Type,Subtype,Pow/Tou),Filter operations,Mana cost.]
[Deck name(s),Version,Format,Designer(s)]
[Card Name, Details, Total Cards, Input Arrows.]
[Card Name, # (in deck), Type, Comment, Total Cards.]
[Card Name, # (in deck), Type, Comment, Total Cards.]